We are the Sweidan’s. My name is Chelsey and I am the mama behind EVIE+OAK, which was inspired by my two littles, Everly and Oaklyn. If you know me, you know my babies are my entire world and being their Mama is my all time favorite title. I am beyond thankful God chose me to be their Mama and I can’t wait for you all to get to know us.

A little bit about me…
I am a former teacher, turned stay-at-home mom, now turned boutique owner. Owning my own boutique has been a dream of mine since I was really little. I have always loved all things fashion, makeup and girly and I am so excited to bring my love of dressing my littles to College Station. I knew I wanted to open a children’s boutique specifically after having both Everly and Oaklyn because we had no where to shop in BCS and all my shopping was done online. If you also know me well, I have way too much fun shopping for the both of them and finding them unique clothing, shoes and accessories. Hence, why I am opening EVIE+OAK.

I also couldn’t have done this without my amazing husband, Mazen. Mazen and I have been together for a total of 10 years, married 4.5, and are stuck like glue. You may not see him in store often, but he is the man making all the construction happen so we can get this store open and running. He has been such a huge help and I cannot thank him enough!

I have poured my heart & soul into this store and hope you love what I have to offer as much as I do! I cannot wait for you all to see & learn more about my two littles and all the things we have to offer🖤